Net Worth Tracker (99% of tradFIRE)
I share these net worth updates to make sure I’m accountable and to show you that financial independence is not just a lofty dream, but a reality. I’ve have my net worth statements going back to 2007 but thought it would be useful to only document my journey only since discovering FIRE, so here goes:
DATE | + / - | NOTES |
Apr 20 | -S$13,674 | Hello there Covid-19! Big loss after also receiving a good bonus. |
May 20 | +S$16,293 | Markets recovered slightly. |
Jun 20 | +S$8,108 | Things are going in the right direction again. |
Jul 20 | +S$60,477 | Gigantic bonus paid and markets recovered. |
Aug 20 | +S$15,115 | Gains were almost all due to a extra favrouable GBP to SGD fx rate. |
Sep 20 | -S$9,289 | Bad GBP to SGD fx rate and markets down on high Covid-19 number in Europe. |
Oct 20 | +S$456 | Paid off my final interest free credit card! Still not recovered the Sep losses. |
Nov 20 | +S$33,311 | We have a Covid-19 vaccine! Collective sigh of relief in the markets. |
Dec 20 | +S$13,992 | Strong end to the year with the traditional santa rally. More vaccines approved for use. Is the market too frothy? |
2020 TOTAL | +S$124,790 | Total increase in 2020 of S$124,790 which is a 29% increase. 2020 brought me to the FIRE concept and now things are really falling into place. |
Jan 21 | +S$17,347 | Quarterly disribution month (always a good boost) and positive market movements. |
Feb 21 | +$S14,776 | Strong GBP to SGD fx rate moving overall number upwards. |
Mar 21 | +$S17,370 | GBP/SGD fx rate less strong, but better market performance. Quarterly disribution month but this time that was small. |
Apr 21 | +$S16,222 | Another strong month in the markets. Getting better at spending less and saving more! |
May 21 | +$S9,442 | Saved 33% of my post tax income this month, markets were down a bit but the GBP/SGD fx rate helped give a good boost. |
Jun 21 | +$S14,000 | Bonus month, good market moves continue. 16% net worth increase YTD, with 6 months more to go! |
Jul 21 | +$S14,700 | Ever upwards in the market. Another strong month, especially for UK based assets. Also received another small bonus from work. |
Aug 21 | +S$12,338 | A very good month in the markets though the SG dollar is strong against GBP so the fx change worked against me this month. At 45% of my FIRE number now. Almost half way there... |
Sep 21 | -S$17,893 | All round (big) drop. Not sure if this is the start of the next bear market? |
Oct 21 | +S$35,818 | Huzzah it all came back + I received a nice work bonus to boot. |
Nov 21 | +S$14,467 | Another work bonus, another strong recovery month in the markets. The initial Omicron dip smoothed itself out (thankfully). |
Dec 21 | +S$28,390 | Final bonus payment of the year, markets all rallied for Christmas. Let's see what is in store for 2022... |
2021 TOTAL | +S$177,023 | Total increase in 2021 of S$177,023 which is a 32% yearly increase. 2021 helped me refine my plans and automate my investment strategy. FIRE is no longer a pipe dream, its going to happen! |
Jan 22 | -$S10,585 | Market is worried about a possible Ukraine - Russia war . |
Feb 22 | +$S14,059 | Russia invaded Ukraine. FU Putin! |
Mar 22 | +S$119,179 | Huge NW increase as shares from my new employer were granted. Offset an otherwise shaky month. |
Apr 22 | -S$22,787 | Markets and the world are in turmoil. Ukraine war continues, supply chains are weak and China has lockeddown Shanghai and other cities for weeks on end. Sigh. |
May 22 | -S$1,677 | Thanks to a small rally in the S&P500 over the last week of April this was not the bloodbath it looked like it would be. S&P500 entered bear market territory briefly. |
Jun 22 | -S$36,029 | Oooch. Biggest monthly loss i've ever had. Feels a bit like a kick to the nuts. The GBP/SGD fx rate has flucuated a lot and general market sentiment is wobbly on interest rate rises and inflation. |
Jul 22 | +S$38,282 | Best month for the S&P 500 since November 2020 with a big swing upwards by 9.11%. Added new cash which mask some of the losses from the past few months but feels good to have a positive month again. |
Aug 22 | +S$17,148 | First double upward streak since the start of the year. Hopefully it holds? |
Sep 22 | -S$15,985 | Ok, it didn't hold. Lots of jitters around the pace of interest rate rises and possible recession in the USA. |
Oct 22 | +S$35,352 | Some good recovery in the markets again. This year really is wild. Made up some of the September losses. |
Nov 22 | +S$26,323 | Markets have rallied on the back of lower expected rate rises by the Fed. Lets see if it holds going into the final month of the year! Things are looking more positive... |
Dec 22 | +S$22,833 | Awful month in the markets, offset by a mini bonus month at work where I got 2.5 x my usual salary. |
2022 TOTAL | +S$186,112 | Total increase in 2022 of S$186,112 which is a 25% yearly increase. Terrible year in the markets, but i'm glad the bear market has hit during the accumulation phase - lots of ETFs bought on sale this year! Around 550 days until I reach tradFIRE now, though I'm currently running about 4 months behind my plan. Let's see what 2023 has to bring (please be nice) and if I can close that gap. |
Jan 23 | +S$41,931 | Markets are finally picking up, with a rare good month after saying goodbye to 2022. |
Feb 23 | +S$32,369 | Markets continue to rally. |
Mar 23 | +S$79,838 | Huge increase thanks to strong market performance and bonus month at work. Let's hope for a continued rally in 2023! |
Apr 23 | +S$40,236 | Another solid month of gains. The S&P500 continues to trend upwards. |
May 23 | +S$17,476 | Smaller gain this month as we go into summer but things are still going well despite all the issues in the world right now! |
Jun 23 | +S$43,883 | Is this a summer rally? Will it continue? |
Jul 23 | +S$37,117 | Things are holding course and contiuing to rise. A lot of the losses from 2022 are being recovered. S&P500 is at 4,588 now. |
Aug 23 | +S$10,845 | Smallest gains of the year so far. S&P500 seems to have potentally topped out last month. Its now down at 4,514. |
Sep 23 | -S$8,894 | First monthly loss this year (even despite additional invesments for the month). S&P500 is strongly down to 4,288. Let's see how the final months of the year unfold... |
Oct 23 | -S$24,811 | Another bad month. Are we heading for another bear market? |
Nov 23 | +S$50,469 | Finally a good month after two bad ones! This was also after an expesnive holiday month visitng Sri Lanka. |
Dec 23 | +S$64,914 | Santa rally is in full swing. |
2023 TOTAL | +S$385,376 | Overall 2023 has been a stellar year with a gigantic 42% NW increase. Glad I stayed the course in 2022 and consistently invested despite the wild market moves. Those extra shares have bounced back big time in 2023 making up the 4 months behind plan I was at the start of the year. Earnings from employement have been high along with strong market returns. On track for TradFIRE by June 2024! |
Jan 24 | +S$42,157 | Great start of the year, the S&P500 is on a big rally driven by strong earnings in the US and the magnificent 7. S&P500 inching up to a new all time high of 5000. |
Feb 24 | +S$41,465 | S&P 500 is still roaring ahead. World is feeling increasingly more scary. |
Mar 24 | +S$90,517 | Markets are still on fire. Are we heading for a bubble? Bonus month at work which gave an extra bump (though most of that is used to pay taxes). |
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